3 Reasons Why You Should Hire in December

Ready for the simplest trick to securing the best talent you’ll skim-read today?

Here’s the abridged version: Hire in December.

That’s it.

“Well durr I already knew that”, you’re thinking.

If you don’t think you’re thinking it, maybe you’re thinking it subconsciously.

Well, maybe you do already know that. But not everyone does. Which is why recruitment can quieten right down towards the close of the year.

If you’ve got the bottle to find out what we’re on about, and want to learn how to make the most of silly season, read on.

Oh, and sorry for the hyperbole earlier.

“The simplest”. “The best”.

We love reading that stuff, and if it got you this far, great. Ends justifying means, etc.

Here’s how December hiring can actually help you.


Beating Your Competition, Those Jerks.

There’s a common thought-process when hiring that anyone would be lucky to work for you. You’re doing the world a favour by having a job vacancy.
Fine, you might be great to work for. But unless you’re Google, Johnny and Sally from down the street don’t know that. They don’t know you as being any better than your competitor. What reason do they have to join you over them?

By hiring in December, there’s at least one reason. You’re hiring now. Your competitors are waiting until January, they’re winding down.

Plus, you avoid the January dogfight when everybody starts hiring frantically again. Because of the abundance of jobs, the candidates get their pick, and you might have to offer more money to entice them in January than the rest of the year. Up to 10-15% more, in fact. (smartrecruitonline)

Don’t Waste Your Time

It also takes 5-10 days longer to hire in January. Hiring in December frees up the start of year to do business, rather than conduct interviews. Plus, you’ll save even more time because you won’t be wasting January with training new employees. They’ll have picked up the job in a relaxed, pre-holiday environment.

Speaking of settling them in, you can even invite them to the Christmas do. Get them to know the team in an informal setting. No better time to get to know your new colleagues when they’re all festive. Beats the January blues.

It’s Just Easier

Applications to jobs are 3% higher in November and December. (Langley James)

People have more free time, with work winding down. That’s more free time on social media and the web – meaning they’ll see your job advert. More time to take your calls. More time to interview.

December is when employees receive their end-of-year bonus. The perfect moment to target anyone dissatisfied with their pay.

It is also a time of excessive spending – shopping, travel and parties. Some may start to reconsider their financial situation and need for a higher paying job (*cough* yours */cough*).


And if you think people will be too busy swigging mulled wine and opening presents to bother with recruitment, think again. Over the holidays, almost 50% of all applications made were on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.
What are you waiting for?

If you want to get ahead, get a-hiring. Do it now.

Think of the candidates as those toys every kid wants for christmas – the earlier you get to the store, the less chances of tantrums in the new year.